Busy liquor store...


busy liquor store -
many people buying
legal drugs



Anonymous said...

Alcohol is in my opinion the worst drug; yet, it's legal.

Oh well, my whole family is a group of alcoholics.

I'll probably be one one day, too.

Captain USpace said...

Noah, I think it's the worst too, but it shouldn't be illegal. It would just create more crime and death. The biggest problem with drugs is the drug war itself.

You won't necessarily be an alcoholic either. Being aware of the danger is a big advantage.


Anonymous said...

I actually did a research paper on how prohibition is retarded last year. I just think that some other drugs should be legal even though I still wouldn't do them.

I think you should be allowed to screw with your body how you want to.

Captain USpace said...

I totally agree with you. Also, the prices would be much cheaper, even with healthy taxes attached, the quality would be much more assured, and the illegal dealers would have to find other businesses. Drug dealing crime would plummet.

But, then millions in Law Enforcement and related industries would be out of work.

absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
outlaw all alcohol

make cigarettes illegal
organized crime takes over

absurd thought -
God of the Universe thinks
create drug war industry

produce millions of jobs
dependent on endless war

absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
never legalize drugs

stopping terror funding
less important than DRUG WAR
