Earth is a MESS...


Earth is a MESS -
but it's still the best planet
in the Universe



kouji said...

or at least in this particular universe. :)

Captain USpace said...

True indeed, obviously we have no idea what it is like on any other planets that have life.


christian soldier said...

I clicked 'racism' as you suggested-loved the link-added it to one of my comments on the bail out..
also added a cartoon that I quick sketched early 2008 before this mess became 'news'...
I would a appreciate your critique :-)

BTW-is it you who is now an attorney?
ie: Studying hard...

Captain USpace said...

Thanks CS, but it's Kouji who just took the bar, and inspired that bit about something that I have thought about for a while.

I love your drawing too, excellent work, you're very talented.
