Mother and young son...


mother and young son
frolic with the dolphins
- magical Christmas

dolphins circle the shallows
where the humans stand amazed


Outlaw Christmas...


absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
outlaw Christmas

don't upset atheists
makes them question their faith

absurd thought -
God of the Universe hates
Christmas celebrations

leads to Muslim apostates
who then get death threats

we all have our special ones
drink responsibly

world economy depends
on massive celebrations

for the holidays
we must get together
- before they are over

ancient feelings
days will get longer again


Philosophy of Liberty Cartoon
Apostates of Islam


The Dentist's Chair


While sitting in the dentist’s chair,
It just seemed so very unfair;
The doctor had no more gas,
So time would not easily pass,
And this gave me quite a big scare.


This and the previous prompted by Mad Kane.